Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Multiply 之 Glutinous Corn 甜糯玉米

OCT 26, '07 1:51 PM

I mentioned that there is type of corn in dark purple colour, but actually i don know it's dark purple or dark brown.
Today, as usual i walked to KLCC isetan to buy vege for my ZheQi tomolo, i bought this corn as's from China, eh.. got website as well woh.. i never try this before.. Any mummy try this before? it looks a bit..~~~ don know how to describe.

Oh ya, it cost me RM3.90 per pc..
okok, here are some other photo

Before cook

After cooked (actually looks no difference at all)
After few bite by me..
Before i steam it, i actuall smell it and it smell familiar. quite fresh smell. and it looks like red bean actually.
it don hav smell like sweet corn during steam time, no smell at all.

ok, taste time.. it really sticky, taste totally different with sweet corn. taste a bit like the "old time" corn.. not sure if u gals try that before.. long long time ago,  there is no "pearl corn", there was only that very hard type corn.

this sticky corn a bit taste like that.. just it's hard + sticky..
i don like that.. it doesnt taste "fresh" like sweet corn. end up i only ate one small part only (as shown on last photo).. that's why not Lau Sai like u all worry as well !!

Here is some new update that i found online
So is just we lack of knowledge, this is actually good !!

    3、鲜玉米粒食用方法 选用优质鲜糯玉米鲜棒,脱下籽粒漂洗过筛,蒸煮冷冻而成。该产品可用于熬粥、做羹,亦可加入青椒,肉丝、虾仁等原料炒菜,清香可口,风味独特,是老少皆宜的时尚食品。 
    在乳熟期采收的鲜玉米棒,其营养成份及食用价值都优于成熟后玉米。营养学家称之为“绿色蔬菜”、“新型营养保健品”、“长寿食品”、“作物水果”等。 ?预防癌症病变。鲜食玉米含有丰富的微量元素镁,镁能抑制癌发展。


  1. looks gerli to me....esp China de...kekeke

    1. if it's not found in Isetan, i will definitely won try! kekeke....

  2. 我在北京试过他们的玉米,不过是浅黄色。味道就像糯米,咬了一口整条丢掉。从没吃过那么难吃的玉米。
