Showing posts with label 第二孕程. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 第二孕程. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2010



这次水肿的厉害,一到晚上,我的脚就会肿的像猪脚,而我的手指,更是紧的握不了。晚上侧睡,很快就会手麻痹,可是顶着大肚子又不能仰睡, 好辛苦。。 老公一直安慰我,再两个星期,再一个星期,再五天,再三天。。。。到现在的再一天。。


Sunday, February 7, 2010

36weeks check up



我的体重=70kg (这次全程重了15kg,比起上一胎,少了5kg, 耶!!)
小宝贝的体重 = 3kg

小宝贝的size一切正常,只有头围大了一点点,但没关系。哦,还有,小宝贝即然“打横” 了,头在我左边。 上次产检时,头已经转下了,现在却换姿势了。难怪最近右边的胎动特别强烈。也好,医生说这样早产的机会也会降低,不怕等不及。 因为我经常感到肚子紧紧的,有时还会觉得下腹有点疼。


Friday, January 29, 2010

34 weeks - 23 Jan 2010

Again, i update here late. this time not due to laziness, but something happen in my family. my father-in-law passed away last Friday (22Jan2010). It happened too sudden, we suspected it was heart attack.


Due to this, i went for check up alone, doctor told me the same, everything is fine.
BB weight = 2.7kg
My weight = 69kg

Lately i always felt my tummy tight, hopefully everything smooth..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update for 32 weeks

I suppose blog this last 2 weeks but due to laziness, i drag until now. hehe..

bb weight: 2.2kg
mummy weight: 68.5kg (wow! hehe)

can feel my bb moving more often in my tummy. kinda active, especially night

we already booked the date for c-sec which is 22 Feb 2010, for time, we suppose book at 10am but doctor only available at 12noon.

my next check up is 2 weeks later (which actually is this saturday...), the date getting closer and closer and i'm yet to prepare the check list. Em.....

Monday, December 14, 2009

5 December 2009

Just some update for my latest check up.
mummy's weight = 65kg
bb weight = 1.3kg
doctor comment bb size is slightly bigger than actual, but it's alright. from the measurement, bb is 28weeks, but if count by date, should be 27week, just one week different.

From the ultrasound, doctor comment she got same chin with her elder brother. hehe.... and doctor said she should hav lots of hair too.... but for me, most important is HEALTHY.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

23 weeks - 7 Nov 2009

7 Nov 2009, 又是产检的日子。

我的体重飙到62.5kg 了耶。而小宝贝的体重不过600多克。嘻嘻。。医生说,根据超音波,小宝贝是24个星期大,与实际的23个星期,没有差太远。 BB 很好动,可能是我刚吃饱吧。一切安好,一个月后再见。

后记: 两个星期前我开始感觉到胎动了,一个星期前开始“摸”到了。^_^

Friday, October 9, 2009

9 Oct 2009

Seems like if i don hav check-up, i won update my blog huh.. hehe.

And yes, yesterday i just had my check-up again, doc said SHE is fine, with sharp chin, according to all measurement should be 19weeks now. weight 306gm. Imagaine, she is just 306gm but i gain more than 3kg already. hehe.. my weight now is 59kg.

hubby and i plan to C-set on 22 Feb or 23 Feb 2010. still thinking which date to choose since still plenty of time from now. wat do u think? 2202 better or 2302 ? hehe..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

24 September 09 - Complaint

this morning my fren complained me being lazy and hardly update my blog, that's why here i am now. hehe...

actually after a week after my last check up, i got infection by candidiasis. this is actually very common for a pregnant woman so i din go to see doctor immediately as i thought it will recover soon by itself. but after about a week, i know it's time for me to see doctor again.

honestly, although this is my 2nd pregnancy, it just like first to me. why i say so? as many FIRST time happen to me, just like this candidiasis, i never experience this during my last pregnancy.

doctor told me candidiasis is common and asked me not to worry, then do scanning for me again. and this round, doctor still said is a girl....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8 Sept 09

About a month never update my blogspot, as since i was jobless at home, i spend less time to online.

yesterday just had my check up again, dr said everything good and bb is so active. this round doctor told me high chance is a girl. *wink

my morning sickenss getting better but still cannot eat too much. sometimes after eat, will still feel like vomit.

really hope the suffer can over soon~~

Friday, August 14, 2009

14 August 09

Next friday will be my last day in current company. Not due to better offer from other company but jobless at home.

This pregnancy is really a hard time for me as i hav a cranky son. whenever he can't sleep well, i also can't sleep well. so end up most of the time i have not enuf sleep and fall sick. like my black out case, my doctor said could due to lack of sleep too. Ya, i think i had no enuf sleep for tat few nites as my son's having fever and i woke up few times to check his temperature..

so after discuss with hubby, he agreed let me stop work tempoary until gave birth.

it's actually a good news to me as i always wish to be SAHM (stay at home mom). Although just temporary, better than nothing. hehe..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5 August 09

After the black out, hubby did ask me go for check up but since everything just normal, i said no need. but last nite b4 sleep, i found some discharge again.. hm... was it a bad sign. so i tell myself, if continue having it next day, i must pi see doctor.

this morning, still on and off got some discharge so decided better go see doctor.

After the scanning, doctor said everything just find, bb is very active and growing accordingly. 10weeks old, 38.3mm.

doctor scan and scan then asked me wat i hav for 1st child, then i answered a son... she said "oh.. this might be son again but not very sure yet"..... em.. i LOL when doctor told me tat. not due to happy or unhappy.. as from the moment i knew i'm preggie, i don really think of wat sex of bb i'm having now. as all already firmed, no point to think. just wish my bb could be healthy will do.


Monday, August 3, 2009

3 August 09

yesterday was really a "phew" day.. i black out rite after i stepped out from washroom but lucky din hurt my bb. em.. i think i din hurt him/her as everything just fine. hubby did ask me if wanted to go for check up but since no "special" feeling, i think should be alrite.

i can't explain why i black out. it just happen too soon. i suspect it's due to my terrible stomachache.. pain until black out... as i got similar experience b4.

my mum advised me better seek for chinese sinseh opinion, see if i was too heaty.. and i also promised tat i'll try to see the sinseh after work today...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

25 July 09

Hubby said no harm to see back Dr. Liew again since still got something in the sac. so we follow the apointment date tat made earlier with dr liew and came to see her again.

i think i'll continue see 2 gynae until 2nd trimester. hehe..

After scan, dr liew commented the "thing" inside the sac is getting smaller, and bb growing accordingly too. so should be good sign. Yet she still as me continue take medicine and a jab since yet to pass the 1st trimester. next appointment will be 2 weeks later.

i ask hubby if still want to come back after 2 weeks, he said why not, since another apointment with dr woo will be a month later. good to hav another check up before tat too. by then only we final decide which doctor to choose..

since bb is growing well, we r not so worry now. yet still have to be careful..

for my morning sickness, getting worst. altho i don't vomit, my stomach feel very uncomfy, no appertite to eat, but if don eat, the feeling is killing me, so i hav to force myself eat. honestly, when eating time, it back to normal. But after eat, the stomach feel unfomfy again.. big sigh..

21 July 09

Earlier i mention i wish to change gynae if i could find one. And yeah, finally i'm able to make the apointment with this new gyane on 21 july 09.

Dont know if it was weekday or wat, i found the environment is good, not crowded as i expected.

New gyane dr.woo also quite a nice person. she did the ultrasound for me, and said bb looks ok just tat inside the sac got something ( telling the same like my previous gynae), but she comfort me tat should be alrite as bb is growing, heart beat also strong. BUT, heart beat a bit fast, 176, yet she said not to worry now, just need to observe. NExt apointment will be next month. BB is now 8weeks, 18mm.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

七星期的产检 - 16 july 09


医生首先帮我做腹超,可是不明显,医生说胚囊在后面,所以用阴超照。这回不晓得在胚囊里,又多了不知道是什么来着。医生所有可能是胎盘,虽然通常胎盘没那么快有。现在能做的,就只有再等等看。。 当然,也有好消息是,小宝贝长大了,有11mm 了,更上次比5.3mm 而已。

然后又打了一支安胎针,继续吃药。病假一星期。 说真的,要不是公司有事,我会乐得在家休息。。可现在不行,赶工。 明天一定要回公司。看看星期一怎样再打算吧。。

Friday, July 10, 2009


昨天其实值得开心,虽然是因为有褐色分泌物才去看医生,但是却看到了小宝贝的心跳,是的,不只是听到,也看到了,可以看到一闪一闪的。连医生都说,她今天很满意,因为上星期当看到胚囊的形状时,她并不乐观。。另外,小宝贝也长大了,上星期是4。4,昨天是5。3。哦,不止这样,连我也重了,重了越1kg 耶,这样下去怎得了? 嗯。 怀这胎跟之前那一胎有点不一样,早期时,上次是没胃口吃,这次一样没胃口,可是如果不吃,胃会更不舒服,所以只好硬吃。在吃的当儿,不会决的胃的不适,可吃完后,胃胀的感觉就来了。唉,真的是吃也不是,不吃也不是。。

照完超声波后医生嘱咐我小心点,随后给我打了安胎针,还给我安胎药,一天吃三次。另加病假一星期。 不用一直躺在床上,但要小心点就好了。。下星期复诊。


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

担心 ~ 8 July 09

自昨早开始,发现有褐色小块分泌物,不多,要用纸擦才有。心想,应该正常吧,上网查查,原来很多在孕早期都会,所已也就不以为然。 迟点应该会停吧。。

怎知,到下午了,还是一样,断断续续,只有一点点。 这会儿才开始有点担心,可担心没用,医生放工了,明天又是她的休息日。安慰自己,没事的。 再观察看看吧。。



Monday, July 6, 2009

孕吐的开始? 6 July 09

自昨天午餐开始,就觉得不对劲, 还没吃完原本的量,就突然觉得反胃。就只剩最后几口,硬吃下去。 啊~ 好辛苦。。 之后就觉得胃涨涨的。。

晚餐时间,明明肚子饿了,却没什么胃口。。 那时就怀疑,不知道是不是孕吐开始了。


想起当初怀哲奇时,也有胃涨的情形,and thks God,并不严重。 希望这次也会这么顺利吧。。



第一产检 - 4 July 09

医生一见到我就笑笑说了一句 “finally huh..." 因为她知道我今年年头就开始开工了。


腹超照不到,所以医生说她帮我照阴超。 照是照到了,可医生说型状好像不乐观。 呈腰豆状。。 说再给她/他两个礼拜看看。。 因为现在还早。。

不知怎的,也许我对她/他有信心吧,听了医生这么说,也没觉得伤心。。 又或许觉得一切都是注定的。 反倒是我那老公,忐忑不安,说什么还要心理折磨两个星期。。嗯。。

“宝贝, 宝贝,要争气哦。。”

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30 June 2009

还没,还没。 昨天打电话本想预约医生做检查,哪知,打来打去没人接,于是就打去 general line 接 extention。

气, 话还没讲完,没礼貌的接线生就 “笃”一声帮我接线了。。 也许你觉得没什么不对, 可我觉得没礼貌咯。嗯。。



就在这当儿,我突然预感这家臭医院会带给我不愉快。 于是我就上网,想,既然是新开始,何不试试其它的医生呢。。

(哦,之前生老大的时侯,Dr.Liew 不在这家医院,去年五月才转过来。。)

找来找去,只找到一个高评价的女医生。 (嗯,我老公老土,希望我找女医生。。)可高评价的女医生通常都要排长龙的。果然,打了电话过去,最快也要七月十号以后才有空位。然后,新病人不能预约周六,听得我哑口无言。结果,我当然没预约。。

